
April 22, 2017

Hello…it’s been a while

Hey everyone, It’s been a while since I’ve last done a blog post. My apologies! I do have a good excuse though as I have spent many hours in the studio recording and writing 3
May 21, 2016

Going international in Bloomberg and The Telegraph!

Hi everyone, Hope you are all well 🙂 I would like to let you all know that Bloomberg and The Telegraph have posted about my music which is pretty cool! Thanks for reading my blog posts everyone, Natasha
May 21, 2016

Merry Christmas + new music coming soon!

Hi everyone, I hope every one of you has had a great Christmas!  I know I did 🙂 I also would like to let you all know that I am working on some new music
May 21, 2016

New York, New York!

Hi everyone, The New York radio station Riverhead Radio has recently asked me to play my music. Of course I said yes, why not? 🙂 Natasha x
May 21, 2016

Me in Michigan!

Hi everyone, The radio station Indie Radio Network based in Michigan (USA) has recently asked to play my music. It’s cool that my music has been played in quite a lot of American states already!
May 21, 2016

My music in Seattle!

Hi everyone, I have always wanted to go to Seattle but have never been there (yet). It’s cool though that a station called Shigg Says Radio  in Seattle has recently played my music though. So even
May 21, 2016

It’s baking time!

Hi everyone, My music has been played today on Bakers Radio in the UK. Cool, cool, cool! Natasha x
May 21, 2016

New Jersey, USA!

Hello everyone, My music will be played on the New Jersey radio station Indie Radio Scene Radio on 19th July. Pretty exciting 🙂 See you soon my friends, Natasha x
May 21, 2016

Now I’ve been played in Ireland!

Hi everyone, I have recently been played on an Irish radio station called Themusakman: I’ve never been to Ireland before but my father has lived there for a while and loved it! Thank you
May 21, 2016

I am on Cloud Nine…

Hi everyone, I have been interviewed by the website Cloud Nine Music in the UK. You can read this interview at: Thanks for interviewing me! Natasha x
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